It’s Official!
After careful consideration, Lab Armor® is rejoining Sheldon Manufacturing to streamline operations and enhance the support you receive.
This integration allows us to offer you an even stronger partnership, combining Lab Armor’s innovative products with Sheldon’s established expertise and customer service infrastructure.

What Does This Mean for You?
Centralized Purchasing
Lab Armor distributors have now been moved over to our Sheldon system. Lab Armor products are now available exclusively through Sheldon Manufacturing’s sales and support channels.
Sales questions can go straight to the new dedicated Lab Armor email, labarmor@sheldonmfg.com.
All your Lab Armor orders get sent to orders@sheldonmfg.com, who will confirm those and get them entered into our system.
Improved Efficiency
Experience smoother operations and reliable service with our integrated systems.
Personalized Support
For all after sales support, spare or replacement parts, you can go to support@sheldonmfg.com and our Customer Service team will get you what you need, whether for Lab Armor or Sheldon products.

What Stays the Same?
Lab Armor’s trusted products, such as Thermal Beads and Bead Baths.
Both Sheldon and Lab Armor websites for product information and resources.